конспект лекций, вопросы к экзамену


  1. Phrasal verbs
  2. Repetitions of words and word groups.
  3. The original scheme of communication offered by Shannon. The adaptation of Shannon’s scheme to literature.
  4. The notion of the text in linguistics and in semiotics.
  5. The text as a coherent verbal message.
  6. The length of the text and its segmentation into constituent elements.
  7. The text as a coherent verbal message. Cohesion and coherence.
  8. Quantitative and qualitative deviations from norm in decoding stylistics. The importance of deviations.
  9. Coupling. The difference between coupling and parallelism.
  10. The main functions of foregrounding in a poetic text.
  11. Morphemic repetition.
  12. Phonemic repetitions.
  13. The structural classification of parallelism.
  14. Parallel patterns.
  15. Logical - semantic classification of parallel words and patterns.
  16. Semantic repetition.
  17. Simile. The difference between simile and metaphor.
  18. The tenor - vehicle relationship in terms of psychology, logic and linguistics.
  19. Noun metaphors. The difference between noun metaphors and non - noun metaphors.
  20. Personification. Animalification. Allegory.
  21. Sustained simile (metaphor). Coordinate metaphor.
  22. Transferred ( metonymical ) epithet or hypallage.
  23. The use of a strong position.
  24. Periphrasis. Antonomasia.
  25. The tenor - vehicle relationship in metonymy.
  26. Epithets. Simple, compound and hyphenated epithets.
  27. The first lines, epigraph, prologue, closure.
  28. Syllable devision
  31. About myself.
  32. Развитие словарного состава английского языка.
  33. Основные изменения языковой ситуации в связи с событиями внешней истории английского народа.
  34. The subject of contrastive lexicology. Lexis as an object of contrastive analysis.
  35. The genetic-etymological classification of languages. Cognate and non-cognate languages in comparative philology.
  36. Aspects of typology in a contrastive analysis of languages. Synthetic and analytical languages.
  37. American English: its lexical peculiarities. Analogues and variants in translation.
  38. The structure and prosody of noun phrases in English. The size-of-unit problem. Translation of lexical and syntactic combinations.
  39. Dynamic word-formation. Lexical morphological categories and translation of derivative words.
  40. Types of nomination in the compared languages (general/specific; abstract/concrete nomination).
  41. Tertium comparationis in searching for cross-linguistic equivalents at the lexical level.
  42. Types of Cross-linguistic lexical correspondences.
  43. The notion of the word’s lexical meaning (I). Denotation, signification, connotation (II).
  44. The identity-of-unit problem. Polysemy, homonymy, synonymy in a contrastive analysis.
  45. Lexical and semantic sets. Mismatches of the semantic structures of words in the compared languages.
  46. The word’s denotative meaning in lexical confrontation.
  47. The word’s connotative meaning as an object of translation. Conventional metaphors in different languages.
  48. Idioms and phraseological units in translation. Deformation of idioms as a stylistic device.
  49. Phrasal and prepositional verbs in translation.
  50. What is psychology?
  51. The rile and impact of psychoanalytic approach on psychology
  52. Humanistic approach in current psychology
  53. Social Psychology:its main focus and areas of applications
  54. The topics of studying in Comparative Psychology.
  55. Some disputable issues within the sphere of Abnormal Psychology
  56. England
  57. Социальные варианты английского произношения. Социальные маркеры в США.
  58. Региональные акценты в США.
  59. Британский и американский акценты: сходства и различия.
  60. Географическая вариация английского произношения по всему миру и внутри страны. Диалект и акцент. Национальные и региональные стандарты. Статус национального произношения в Великобритании и статус американизации в США.