- Phrasal verbs
- Repetitions of words and word groups.
- The original scheme of communication offered by Shannon. The adaptation of Shannon’s scheme to literature.
- The notion of the text in linguistics and in semiotics.
- The text as a coherent verbal message.
- The length of the text and its segmentation into constituent elements.
- The text as a coherent verbal message. Cohesion and coherence.
- Quantitative and qualitative deviations from norm in decoding stylistics. The importance of deviations.
- Coupling. The difference between coupling and parallelism.
- The main functions of foregrounding in a poetic text.
- Morphemic repetition.
- Phonemic repetitions.
- The structural classification of parallelism.
- Parallel patterns.
- Logical - semantic classification of parallel words and patterns.
- Semantic repetition.
- Simile. The difference between simile and metaphor.
- The tenor - vehicle relationship in terms of psychology, logic and linguistics.
- Noun metaphors. The difference between noun metaphors and non - noun metaphors.
- Personification. Animalification. Allegory.
- Sustained simile (metaphor). Coordinate metaphor.
- Transferred ( metonymical ) epithet or hypallage.
- The use of a strong position.
- Periphrasis. Antonomasia.
- The tenor - vehicle relationship in metonymy.
- Epithets. Simple, compound and hyphenated epithets.
- The first lines, epigraph, prologue, closure.
- Syllable devision
- About myself.
- Развитие словарного состава английского языка.
- Основные изменения языковой ситуации в связи с событиями внешней истории английского народа.
- The subject of contrastive lexicology. Lexis as an object of contrastive analysis.
- The genetic-etymological classification of languages. Cognate and non-cognate languages in comparative philology.
- Aspects of typology in a contrastive analysis of languages. Synthetic and analytical languages.
- American English: its lexical peculiarities. Analogues and variants in translation.
- The structure and prosody of noun phrases in English. The size-of-unit problem. Translation of lexical and syntactic combinations.
- Dynamic word-formation. Lexical morphological categories and translation of derivative words.
- Types of nomination in the compared languages (general/specific; abstract/concrete nomination).
- Tertium comparationis in searching for cross-linguistic equivalents at the lexical level.
- Types of Cross-linguistic lexical correspondences.
- The notion of the word’s lexical meaning (I). Denotation, signification, connotation (II).
- The identity-of-unit problem. Polysemy, homonymy, synonymy in a contrastive analysis.
- Lexical and semantic sets. Mismatches of the semantic structures of words in the compared languages.
- The word’s denotative meaning in lexical confrontation.
- The word’s connotative meaning as an object of translation. Conventional metaphors in different languages.
- Idioms and phraseological units in translation. Deformation of idioms as a stylistic device.
- Phrasal and prepositional verbs in translation.
- What is psychology?
- The rile and impact of psychoanalytic approach on psychology
- Humanistic approach in current psychology
- Social Psychology:its main focus and areas of applications
- The topics of studying in Comparative Psychology.
- Some disputable issues within the sphere of Abnormal Psychology
- England
- Социальные варианты английского произношения. Социальные маркеры в США.
- Региональные акценты в США.
- Британский и американский акценты: сходства и различия.
- Географическая вариация английского произношения по всему миру и внутри страны. Диалект и акцент. Национальные и региональные стандарты. Статус национального произношения в Великобритании и статус американизации в США.